Navrátilova 10, Praha 1

Email: miyabi@miyabi.cz

Telephone: +420 296 233 102-3

Opening hours: Tue-Sun: 11.30-23.00

How to park

Unfortunately, we will not reimburse you for parking at the parking hours, as all proof of payment will remain in the car. The stated time conditions may change, so always check with local markings.

Orange zone - 1h / 40 CZK, maximum 2 hours, Mon-Sat, between 8:00 and 18:00

Purple zone - 1h / 40 CZK, maximum 2 hours, Mon-Sun, between 8:00 and 20:00

Green zone - 1h / 30 CZK, maximum 6 hours, Mon-Sat (in Myslíkov Mon-Fri), between 8:00 and 18:00

Outside of designated hours, parking is free and not limited in time.

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