When I first came to Japan, I knew about eels only from stories. Mostly from the book Golden Eels by...
Do you know what country ramen comes from? From Japan? No. The Ramen Museum in Yokohama Harbor says Ramen, a...
You will love this everyday food so much that you will claim that it is the best Japanese food. And...
Dear friends! Isn’t this mochi dough in front of the golden screen beautiful? The dark shadows against the golden background...
Dear guests, dear friends! Time flies, it is June and soon the summer vacation time will begin. Have you decided...
let us help symbols grow into acts of love It is the last week of February, and in many Japanese...
I imagine that many people would comment about my love to tofu that it is strange that somebody may love...
When the word meditation is said, we imagine monks in Zen concentration, or ourselves in a deep forest, quiet, where...
When you say ramen, I first think of the dry cup noodle – kappu nuudoru – and remember how I...
Dear Miyabi fans! Let me ask you a question: “How many different types of Japanese chopsticks do you know? How...
Dear friends! During my visit to the north of China, I noticed in the hotel that every day on the...
When long ago I asked my small and teenage children what should I cook for them that day, they certainly...